Cash-In-Transit Proposal Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Broker Details *Client Details *Have you been given notice by your current / previous insurer for increased terms, or notice to cancel your policy? *YesNoType of Business *Cash in transit Service provider / Cash processing centreSecurity company providing CIT ServicesOwner of the cashProvider of Cash acceptance Devices/safes on behalf of clientsIf you are the owner of the cash, what is the nature of your business?Cover RequiredCash in cash register/point of saleCash in Cash officeCash in safe at customer’s premisesCross Pavement carry valueCash in transit per vehicle per transitCash in storage at Security company’s vaultSafe Category (Please select one)Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5Replacement Value of Safe / HardwareCover Commencement Date?Section A – to be completed if you are the cash in transit / security company / cash processing company:Which option best describes your service level agreement / cash in transit & cash processing offering with your customers? End to end: Includes cash in safe at customer premises, device itself, collection, transit & until delivered to the bankTransit only: From time of signed collection at customer premises & until delivered to the bankStatic only: Device & cash in device at declared customer’s premisesSection B - to be completed if you are the owner of the cash:Please indicate if you have more than one location / branchYesNoName of the cash in transit company(s)G4S Cash SolutionsFidelity Cash SolutionsSBVIZI CashCash AutomationOtherNumber of weekly cash collections from your premises:1 x weekly2 x weekly3 x weekly4 x weekly5 x weekly6 x weekly7 x weeklyType of Cover Required - Select only what is applicable *Transit Only: Once collected by the c.i.t security company, in transit & until delivered to the nominated bankTransit & onsite: Whilst in the device / safe at your declared premises, & including the above collection & transitDevice included: Loss & damage to the device / safe itselfSection C – Claims / Loss historySection D – Security measures at location/s (if applicable) *Fence/barbed wire/palisades etc.Iron Rod/Bar gateAlarm systemAlarm system linked to armed responsePanic ButtonRestricted access to cash officeAny other security related preventative measuresSection E – Material facts disclosure & declaration of proposerDetails of previous insuranceI hereby declare that all statements made herein are true and correct and that there are no other material facts regarding the risk that should be disclosed. I further agree that if any statement or particulars herein supplied by any person other myself, that the person shall be deemed to have been acting as my agent for the purpose of this proposal. *YesEmailSubmit Gauteng OfficeCenturion, South Africa 0861 44 44 51 Building 19, Oxford Office Park3 Bauhinia Street, Highveld Techno Park Western Cape OfficeMossel Bay, South Africa 0861 44 44 51